Ah Diwali- the festival of lights, celebrations, late-night card games, binging on delicious food and, ahem, a dehydrated body! Diwali is indeed a time of great enjoyment. However, it does take a toll on your body, both internally and externally. Once you are done with all the festivities, it’s time for a much-needed post-Diwali detox for your body, skin and hair. Here are a few tips that will get you back on your game, feeling all fresh and rejuvenated, and looking it too!
Drink, and drink more! No, we aren’t referring to the myriad of alcoholic beverages you might have consumed in the past few days, but you sure must have a lot of water and juices. Flush out the toxins you’ve accumulated with all the festive eating and drinking. We recommend starting your day (especially the day after a Diwali party) with a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon in it.
Do Some Heavy Duty Face Cleansing
Your external body has been exposed to the higher levels of pollution that Diwali brings with it every year, sadly. No sweat, we know just the thing to tackle this problem: activated charcoal. Charcoal is like the one miracle thing that does everything- fights pollution, keeps your skin dirt free, deep-cleanses your pores and removes blackheads. Since this is when your skin needs extra care, opt for something like the Charcoal Regime Combo that will take care of the complete regime with its face wash, scrub, peel-off mask and moisturizer. And before you ask, yes, all steps are necessary.
Give Yourself an Old Fashioned Champi
When grandmothers tell you about the importance of oiling your hair, they know what they are talking about! Massage your head with hair oil before shampooing to stimulate blood-circulation while providing it with the moisturizing nourishment it requires. The Onion Seed Hair Oil not only promotes growth, but also fights dandruff while conditioning from the roots.
Pro tip: Tie a hot, wet towel after applying the oil to help it penetrate in your scalp and nourish it from within.
We don’t know about you, but the whole cleansing ritual feels complete only when we’ve washed our heads thoroughly too. And with all the smoke-filled air you’ve been exposed to, a good shampoo session is a necessity. What we have for you though, is not just a shampoo that will cleanse and moisturize your hair and scalp, but also eliminate dandruff AND soothe your senses with peppermint. The Charcoal Shampoo has anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, and anti-microbial properties, and helps relax you so that you can head straight to bed and sleep off the celebrative fatigue.
While you had days off during Diwali, your stomach was working overtime to process all the delicious, sinful calories you had been eating. Give it a rest too! Opt for salads, fresh fruits and even lighter, basic Indian fare such as dal and khichdi. Complement these healthier food choices with regular exercise and you are pretty much sorted.
We hope that you’ll get back to being full of energy in no time with these tips. Stay healthy, groom yourself, and gear up for the next round of festivities!