The Man Mag

Beard Care
The Beard Grooming Products Every Man Must Own, And How To Use Them
For bearded men, their beard is the most distinguished aspect of their face. It signifies manliness, while also showcasing their ability to style themselves. And, has beards are fashionably ‘in’, their attractive appearance gives a man all the more reason to care for it.

Beard Care
Shaving – A Ritual, Trend Or Necessity?
Shaving – A Ritual, Trend Or Necessity?
Ever wondered how shaving was done before the razors were invented? Today, we have several options like trimmers, 3 blade razors, 5 blade razors, etc. Even in early times, people used to have some amount of facial hair and there must be a method to clean it off. Read on to know about how it was done before!
Before discussing about the topic, let us first understand what is meaning of word “Shave”. The dictionary describes shaving as removing the beard or other body hair, or cutting at the surface of the skin or removing growth of hair or with a razor or shaver or to cut or scrape away the surface off with a sharp-edged tool. It is being estimated that a man spends 3000 hours in his lifetime removing 25,000 facial hairs, which are as hard as copper wires of the same diameter. With spreading of shaving throughout the world, unshaven men of societies became known as "barbarians" meaning the "unbarbered". The practice of women shaving legs and underarms developed much later.
The man has been shaving since Prehistoric Times. In fact shaving has a history as old as Stone Age, around 100,000BC, when Neanderthal man first started pulling hair from his body. Cave paintings have shown that early man discovered ways to remove hair from his face that are still being used today in modified form. In the beginning he simply plucked the hair out using seashells like tweezers. It was the early Egyptian men and women who have really established shaving and hair removal practice as regular part of daily grooming. The Egyptians had a personal obsession with body hygiene. The Greek historian Herodotus (485-425BC) commented that the Egyptians bathed several times a day and "set cleanliness above seemliness".
Obsidian stone or stone razors were also used to shave. Obsidian stone is formed when the Felsic Lava cools down with minimum crystal growth. Obsidian stones were also used for surgical purposes because it's brittle and has very sharp edges. Even today, some people prefer doing it the old way. It's highly dangerous and requires practice to shave with this sharp stone!

Beard Care
Beard Problems & Their Fixes - Part 1
With a great beard, comes great responsibility. If you do not take care of your facial hair, it’s going to get you in trouble. Beards have been trending for some time now. After all, something as legendary as a beard can never really go out of style.
While you up your style quotient by growing a beard, bear in mind that growing one needs patience, love and a lot of looking after. No one likes a scraggly, unkempt beard – not even the people sporting them.
Keeping that in mind, let us tell you about some of the common problems associated with beards. You can use this knowledge to never let anything bad happen to your beard.

Beard Care
Growing A Beard? Do It Proper!
No-Shave November is a celebration health. And while you grow that thick heave form of your face, it would be awkward if it doesn't have that healthy sheen, because growing a beard is easy but maintaining it is a whole different ball game.
Here are 5 important tips that you should keep in mind when you go it.

Beard Care
Be Beardiful: Beard Growth Oil Benefits For You
A wise man once said, "life is better with a beard." He was right. Beards aren't a fad either, and if history has taught us anything it's that they're here to stay. Ancient Egyptians, the 300 Spartans, Abe Lincoln, and Mr. T all had one thing in common - Beards! It's not a trend. It's a lifestyle.
Every bearded man, whether they consciously realize it or not, personifies the creed: do better every single day. That is to say, for men beards are a direct reflection into the men they are and the people we hope to be. Let’s face it: Growing a beard is a herculean task. It takes a ridiculous amount of patience, motivation and confidence. A “beard journey” is fraught with seemingly insurmountable peaks and valleys.
Firstly let us understand why should we use a beard oil in the place.
Beard growth oil for us is the holy grail of beard products. We all know that genes dictate how fast your beard grows. But, there is some evidence out there that shows certain oils create conditions that help the beard grow faster. So, this product can definitely help your beard grow a lot healthier and look after your skin, ensuring that your beard has every opportunity to grow as fast as possible. Ideally it should be used few times a week before you go to bed and it also acts as a deep conditioner overnight. This means your skin is going to be dandruff (bearddruff) free and easy to work in the morning when you wake up. Applying the oil ensures optimum hydration of the skin and can also act as a layer of protection against impurities.
Our Almond and thyme beard oil is “premium” because of the handpicked ingredients that make up our oil formula. This product only uses all natural and pure oils that are known to help moisturize, condition, strengthen, and style. The primary ingredients within our product formula are Almond and Thyme, along with other essential additions.
1. Jojoba – Moisturizer that helps clean hair follicles. Rich in vitamin A and E, also helps prevent acne.
2. Almond – Moisturizes, revitalizes, and conditions. Helps promote beard growth, blood flow, and is known to be rich in vitamin A, B1, B6, and E.
3. Argan – The perfect beard conditioner. Helps keep hair silkier, shinier, softer, and overall healthier. One of the most effective hair oils out there.
4. Rosemary - Essentially helps in hair growth, slows graying and is know to treat flaky skin and dryness.
5. Lemon - Lemon has anti-fungal properties that control the production oil
6. Geranium - Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that ensure healthy hair growth.
7. Hazelnut - Moisturizes and calms oily skin.
8. Thyme - Improves hair growth and blood circulation.
Most guys either use way too much oil, or only use a couple drops and dab in on their beard. The optimal timing to put oil in your beard is when your hair is softest and cleanest, and you can achieve that once you have taken a shower, preferably in lukewarm water, which will properly clean your hair and clear out dirt stuck in your follicles. You are going to want to massage the oil in deep, getting down to your skin underneath. Using a boar bristle brush after massaging is key in getting the oils spread evenly through your beard.
The most effective way to tell if your beard oil needs to be washed off is to run fingers through it and feel the greasiness and oiliness in your beard. If your beard hair seems greasy and heavy, it means that the oil has been completely absorbed and your beard is now storing dirt on it, which is making your hair a little bit heavy. So if your hair feels greasy, go ahead and wash your beard, by using a beard shampoo which will be effective in cleaning all the dirt and oily effect from your beard.
Beard oil is an essential addition to your bathroom regimen. An ideal beard oil will not only provide you with a dapper beard, it also provides great skin benefits for the skin under your beard. Beards are a growing trend, make sure yours is looking amazing!

Beard Care
Exercise. Sweating. Grime. Yeah, exercise isn’t everyone’s best friend. It’s uncomfortable, warm, and challenging if you’re doing it right. Unfortunately, one of the biggest truths we have to acknowledge as we grow older is that exercise becomes an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.
What most people don’t know is that exercise can really help facilitate your beard gains. If you’re struggling with beard density or you just want to maintain the solid growth you have, adding exercise to your weekly routine will help stimulate growth and encourage healthy skin and hair.
Exercise helps your beard through several different factors: how it affects your skin, how it affects your hair, how it affects your body and how it affects your hormones. Perspiring during exercises clears your pores of grime and dead skin, and helps “sweat out” existing toxins that affect your overall health. Have you ever noticed that you smell like booze after a hard night out? That’s because you’re sweating out excess chemicals that your body doesn’t need (i.e. booze). The same principle can be applied to regular exercise - get those toxins out of your system!
A healthy body is achieved through eating healthy food and exercising regularly. In order for your skin and hair to fire on all cylinders, you want a healthy body to back it up.
Exercise also increases circulation throughout your body, including your face. Encouraging circulation throughout your whole body helps your physiology absorb nutrients and oxygen more effectively. Amping up your circulation helps stimulate hair growth, too.
Find Exercise You Enjoy
This is probably the most important factor in your exercise journey. You don’t have to sign up at a gym in order to start exercising! There are tons of different ways to exercise regularly that don’t occur to everyone, which means there is an enjoyable physical activity out there waiting just for you. Here are some recommendations to help you find an exercise you enjoy:
Power walk or jog around your neighborhood
Swim laps at a local pool
Try kayaking or rowing
Check out hiking trails near your home
Join a gym closer to work than home - this way you work out right before or right after work
If you’re already a gym member, try a new class or cash in on a training session
Check out a local indoor rock climbing gym
Sign up for a trial martial arts class
Yoga class - they’re harder than they look!
Pilates class - again, way harder than it looks
Spinning class - these are so popular that spinning “gyms” are on the rise
Quantify Your Progress
When we say “quantify your progress”, we mean track your exercise somehow. Once you start keeping track of your exercise - be it how many workouts you complete weekly, how many kilometres you run, or how long it takes to bike 10 miles - you can see yourself improve over time. Once you start seeing you’re getting better at your chosen exercise on paper, your brain’s neurochemical reward system will kick in and encourage you to exercise more.
Gentlemen Share Your Journey With Us

Beard Care
Don’t ditch that Pre-Shave Oil in your shave regime
Ready to say bye bye to your beautiful beard? Let TMC break it down for you. Here is a step by step guide to help you with the process and protect your face while you’re at it:
1. Proper Skincare: An exfoliating face wash cleans your face of dust and dirt and opens your pores so that your shave become easier and your skin remains smoother.
TMC Secret Tip: Charcoal helps you de-tan as well!
2. Trim First: Use a beard trimmer to tame your mane and ease the strain on your razor.
TMC secret tip: Scissors do the same trick in case you don't have a trimmer.
3. Prep: After trimming, use a small amount of pre-shave oil to help
soften the mane and prep for your shave. It's time to moisten the beard area and lather thoroughly using a smooth shave gel with a brush that glides well or you can go for a shaving foam
TMC secret tip : Don't get worked up about whether pre-shave oil will suit your skin or not. It is for all skin types!
4. Moisturize and protect: Shaving can deplete your skin’s much-needed moisture, so to help restore that balance use post shave lotion and be generous with it. If you are in a hurry, spray some after-shave.
TMC secret tip: Now that your face is exposed you need to take extra care of your facial skin. Use our double-duty moisturiser to keep it feeling great!

Beard Care
To the 21st-century modern gentleman, the humble beard is more a sartorial statement of intent than a status symbol.
Cheap, versatile and adaptable, facial hair can change the shape of a man’s face and completely alter how he looks in jeans and a T-shirt or a suit. A few whiskers here and there can make a baby face look older, draw attention away from a thinning thatch and hide a multitude of sins (or chins). In short, it allows a man to be the ultimate chameleon.

Beard Care
Beard Routine For Beginners
So you’ve decided to grow a beard…… excellent decision making! We'll have you looking like this guy in no time!
Getting a beard to look it’s best is no mean feat but luckily for you it’s our specialty. So if you did it on a whim and are now feeling a bit lost, don’t worry we’re here to help, we got your back jack!
Having a beard affair is actually easier than you think and once you have it down takes no time at all!
Starting from scratch:
When starting out there may be a few problems you may encounter such as the dreaded beard itch, this occurs when the skin dries out or becomes irritated and starts to flake, there are a couple of ways to combat this….
Our beard shampoo is a miracle cure for this, you can use as often as you like/need but I’d say every other day is a good amount of use and wash with just water in-between times. What makes the shampoo so good is it cleans the beard without stripping the oils out of it, this means it won’t dry out and cause itchiness.
You can also use our beard oil to treat the itch. The oils come in 3 different scents so you can choose your favourite. Unlike others, our oils contain only natural nourishing ingredients and will leave your beard and the skin underneath well hydrated.
Using the Shampoo and oil together is the dream team or if your beard is slightly longer in length, you might prefer the shampoo and balm as balm provides a bit of hold to shape your beard. You can find more about the difference between oil and balm here.
Top tips
After washing with the shampoo towel dry but still leave slightly damp, apply the oil and massage into the beard until it has fully absorbed. This way the pores are still open from the hot shower and the oil will soak into the skin much better before you start washing your beard
After the initial 3 months, this should be around the time when your beard has fully set in and you can start doing a bit more with it.
This would be a good time to determine what shape you’d like to have, and you can further your grooming routine to include brushing and styling your beard using a beard wax.
Our beard comb is great for both the beard hair and skin underneath. It will leave your beard looking well preened and sleek, the tail teases the beard into the style you want without being too harsh on the hairs. The neem will also stimulate blood flow to the skin underneath as you comb which encourages hair growth.

Beard Care
Why Should You Use Beard Oil - Pros & Cons.
Men are growing beards since ages and beard oil is a daily use product that ensures you get healthy beard. By adding few drops of an effective beard oil, one can ensure beard stays in good condition. First you should know beard oil helps nourish and strengthen your beard hair keeping them thick and grow faster.

Beard Care
Movember VS No-Shave November: Know your cause!
We have gone through the first week of November. And the 4 0’clock shadows are now definite, pronounced stubbles. While the last few years have brought the beard game back into the limelight, the modern gentleman does pay special attention to this month specifically.
But is he absolutely sure about where he stands? Does he clearly distinguish between Movember and No-Shave November?
Some yes. For those of you who are still on the fence here’s something that will clear the mist a bit. No-Shave November has been a tradition for many years. But it was in the fall of 2009 that members of the Chicagoland, Hill family decided to use it as a means to raise money for Cancer Research charity. It was after Mathew Hill, the then patriarch of the family, succumbed to colon cancer in 2007, that his 8 children embarked on this journey.
The world took notice and joined in on the cause.
What started as an easy way for a few followers on Facebook to donate to men’s health research programmes has turned into an international celebration. Every November for the past six years, these No-Shavers have donated the cost of grooming (from a few dollars on razors to $100 on a salon visit) and helped the organization raise over millions of dollars to date.
Movember on the other hand was born out of very different circumstances. In 2003, two friends from Melbourne, Travis Garone and Luke Slattery, were having a quiet beer when their conversation turned to why the moustache, which was a solid deal-maker in the earlier decades, go out of style.
They joked about bringing it back.
Inspired by a friend’s mother who was fundraising for breast cancer, they decided to make the campaign about men’s health and prostate cancer. An email titled ‘Are you man enough to be my man? ‘ensued. 30 willing men stepped up. Those first 30 Mo Bros paved the path, in 2004, for a more formal organisation.
Since those first few years, Movember has continued to grow at an extraordinary pace. There are now official campaigns in 21 countries raising millions to fund over 1,000 men’s health programs. With the support of millions of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from all over the world, Movember is working towards its vision: to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.
No matter what the cause everyone is standing up for Men’s Health Awareness this November. And while you are at it, a little help would just make sure your manly mane shines like a beacon of hope.
Check out The Man Company Beard Combos and sail through November in style.

Beard Care
Groom Your Beard Like Ayushmann Khurrana!
If there’s one thing we are certain of, it’s that Ayushmann Khurrana continues to shine bright in the beard hall of fame. Be it a slight stubble or a grown-out, dapper do, our gentleman sure knows how to keep his grooming game on point, and now, he wants to share the secret to his beard with all the modern gentlemen out there. That’s why he has curated a special beard care box containing all the essentials you’d need for a complete beard care regime.
Enriched with almond and thyme, not only do these products cleanse, nourish and help style your beard, but also promote its healthy growth. Between the three of these, you’ll have a solution to almost every beard problem of yours. The cherry on the top is the amazing, earthy fragrance that thyme lends!
Without further ado, here’s what’s inside the box and how you can use it to get the beard you want.

Beard Care
Beard Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega
A gentleman always desires an envious beard.
And we are sure all of you who love to carry one must consider it a part of your personality.
It can be hard to get the desirous results but growing a full mane is not all the magic. You need to know the right products and let that hairy beauty unfold.
Maintaining it right is where all the hard work and dedication are required unless you don’t mind that mountain Jedi look and can easily neglect to sport a well-groomed beard.

Beard Care
The Long Wait Is Over: Newly Launched Hair & Beard Growth Cream
Accelerated hair & beard growth like never before.
Are you someone whose every moment is spent in front of the mirror, looking at your hair or beard and analysing the number of fallen strands?
Well, you are not alone.
Hair loss is like that traitor who comes swiftly and gives an unexpected shock!
And if somehow you manage to control the falling, it starts to hinder the growth.
Getting those thick, luxuriant hair and that full mane is no easy feat. And at some time or other, you must have thought about or even tried gobbling down those health supplements to increase the growth, only to be greeted with lack-lustre strands.
Keeping this in mind, The Man Company has a 2-in-1 solution that will improve your hair growth and help you achieve that envious full beard.

Beard Care
The benefits of Thyme are known far and wide
Try them for yourself
The secret to lot of your health lies in trusting this evergreen herb called Thyme. Thyme belongs to the mint family and is known for its culinary, medicinal, ornamental and cosmetic purposes. Thanks to its many benefits, this traditional herb has innumerable health benefits.
They are as follows:

Beard Care
Beard Styles for Oval Face
Beard styles for Oval Face
An oval-shaped face looks brilliant. The best part is that there are innumerable styles that suit the oval face shape. We will tell you about the origin of the beard style, few celebrities who flaunt the beard style, how to create the style so that it looks groomed and well-kept, and the best products to take care of the chosen beard style.
Thirty Beard Styles for Oval Face
An oval face is characterised by a chin that is in perfect symmetry with the forehead. The jaws are narrower compared to the cheekbones, and the chin is rounded while the face is vertically longer than the breadth of the cheekbones. The forehead is larger, too, in comparison with the jawline.
Chin Strap
The beard hardly exists except the hair on the jawline's edge and sparsely on the chin along the hairline from one side of the face to the other side.
Thought to have originated in the 18th century in Europe, it became quite popular through the 19th century, spreading to Japan.
Michael Ebenezer Kwadjo or Stormzy
Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton
Dwayne Wade
Shave the entire face to remove hair from all places except the jaw's edge and the chin.
The hair left behind needs to be trimmed to give a polished look.
The Man Company Beard Combo (Almond & Thyme) containing the Beard Oil and Beard Wash is made from 100% natural oils.
The Charismatic Full Goatee
This beard style for the oval face is characterised by the chin's hair and none on the cheeks. It is a flexible style, so you can vary it a bit as per your preference.
The word 'goatee' comes from the goat's tuff of chin hair. It is accepted to have its origin in the ancient civilisation of Rome and Greece. Interestingly, during medieval times, the goatee was synonymous with Satan.
The Rock or Dwayne Douglas Johnson
Robert Pattinson
George Clooney
Clear your face of all facial hair except the chin.
Let the hair grow.
Start trimming once the hair grows.
Groom it regularly.
The Beardiful Duo from The Man Company keeps your skin and beard hydrated.
Chin Curtain
Resembling the chin strap, the chin curtain is fuller in growth, as it covers the entire chin and the underside of the face. Also, it touches the sideburns on either side.
It is referred to as Shenandoah; the style was popular during the hippie culture in the 1960s and 1970s.
Abraham Lincoln
C. Everett Koop
Comb the hair and trim it to the desired length
Remove stray hair.
Shave off hair in the part you want clear.
The Man Company's Beard Growth Oil (Almond & Thyme).
Soul Patch
Minimalistic appearance, this beard style for oval face accentuates your style. A small tuff of well-groomed hair under the lower lip with the rest of the face clean defines this style.
The style was popularised by Dizzy Gillespie, a jazzman in the 1940s.
Bruce Springton
Billy Bob
Comb the hair, lift it to the desired length and trim off the excess length.
Use a trimmer to define the edges.
Use a razor to remove hair from other parts of the face.
The Man Company's Argan & Geranium Beard Oil.
A distinct beard style characterised by thick sideburns, a horseshoe moustache, and the soul patch. The moustache and sideburns do not touch.
Samuel L. Jackson invented the style in the movie Pulp Fiction.
Samuel L. Jackson, actor
Grow a full beard.
Remove hair from jawline, chin, cheek, and neck.
Keep the soul patch and make the horseshoe-shaped moustache.
The Man Company's Hair & Beard Growth Cream.
Full Beard
Denoting masculinity, this beard style for oval face is marked by full and natural facial hair growth without any contouring. A full beard is three months and older.
This style is one of the oldest, believed to have originated during prehistoric times.
Ben Affleck
Brad Pitt
Farhan Akhtar
Akshay Kumar
Let your facial hair grow to about 2 inches below the chin.
Brush the hair and then trim it to the desired length to give it a sculpted look.
The Man Company's Caffeine Beard Growth Serum.
Short Boxed Beard
The full beard can be a bit too much for many men to maintain and keep groomed. The short boxed beard is more manageable. It is the shorter version of the full beard; looks neater and well-defined.
The origin of the short-boxed beard is as old as the full beard.
Chris Pine
George Clooney
Grow a full beard.
Use an electric trimmer for trimming the beard to the desired length.
For cleaning lines, use the beard shaper. Razor off the remaining facial hair.
The Man Company's Beard Affair, containing Almond & Thyme.
Corporate Beard
This style is another neater and cleaner version of the full-grown beard. The name says it all - for men in the corporate industry who love to flaunt a beard, find this style the most impressive.
This style evolved much later, compared to the full and the short boxed beard. The corporate culture brought in this beard style.
Bradley Cooper
Jake Gyllenhaal
The steps are similar to the short boxed hair.
In this case, ensure that the hair's length is kept shorter to give a finer and presentable look.
The Beard Creme from The Man Company is the right product for a healthy beard.
The beard is characterised by thick facial hair and is grown in a full beard style. The moustache is naturally grown and has a characteristic brushed side like the English moustache.
This beard style for the oval face originated from the 19th-century military politician called Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Indian actor, Ranveer Singh
Grow a full beard.
The length should be between 7 to 8 inches.
Use a shaper to make the bottom round.
One of the easiest to grow, let the hair grow naturally without any trimming.
Trim the moustache to connect to the board.
The Man Company's Beard Shaper for a clean, elegant look.
This beard style is characterised by a styled moustache that is detached from a full beard. The lower hair is fuller and thicker than the hair on the cheek.
The beard is named after Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, a 19th century Opera composer.
Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer
Grow a full beard.
Ensure that the hair is thicker towards the chin.
Round it using a shaper.
Trim the edges to keep it tidy.
Separate the moustache from the beard.
The Man Company's Beard Affair.
The yeard is one of the most elemental beard styles leaving you to look manly. The style consists of a neat full-grown beard with trimming required to remove split ends. The moustache is left to grow long naturally.
The yeard is also one of the oldest beard styles for an oval face from prehistoric times when men had no means to shave off their facial hair.
Vin Diesel
The steps are the same as a full-grown beard.
You are not allowed to trim the hair for at least a year to get the look.
Use The Man Company's Beard Affair (Almond & Thyme), consisting of beard oil, wash, and wax, for the best finish.
This beard style is famous for its rich and voluminous growth and calls for dedicated patience for at least six months for the best results - no trimming on the cheek or the neck with a natural moustache. The latter hangs over the mouthparts.
The beard style is named after Eric Bandholz, a pioneer in the facial hair industry.
Eric Bandholz, owner of Beardbrand
Easy to create with minimal maintenance.
Let the hair grow for six months.
Once the hair reaches the desired length, it needs to be handled like head hair requiring regular shampoo, conditioning, brushing, etc.
Trimmer from The Man Company.
Thin Goatee
The thin goatee is similar to the classical goatee but much slimmer and thinner. It looks extremely neat and clean.
This style is one of the findings of the modern generation.
Gwen Stefani
Grow a full beard and then trim and razor to create the classic goatee.
Then trim facial hair off the chin and moustache and make it as slim as you like.
The Man Company's Shaving Cream.
Landing Strip Beard
One of the easiest beard styles for an oval face, it is easy to develop and maintain. As the name suggests, it is a strip of hair on the chin region resembling a landing strip.
No data is available on the origin of this style.
Scott Steiner
Clean your face off all hair, leaving very little hair on the chin.
Trim the sideburns and keep them long.
Groom and trim the hair on the chin regularly.
The Beard Shaper from The Man Company.
Patchy Goatee
Having trouble growing a full beard? Go in for this style that has sparse chin hair and a thin beard. There is a moustache, too, that is disconnected from the chin hair growth. The region under the lower lip is also kept hair-free.
The style can be traced to the old Roman period.
Andre 3000
Shave all hair from the face leaving just enough on the moustache and under the lower lip and chin.
Keep grooming it to maintain the bush.
The Man Company's Beard Oil (Argan & Geranium) is the right choice.
Woodsman Look
If you are blessed with thick facial growth, then this is the one for you. It is a classic with thin sideburns, a heavy moustache, and a thick beard.
The Woodsman look goes back a long time - ever since the woodcutters existed.
As of now, no celebrity flaunts this beard style.
Grow your beard and sideburns for 3-4 months.
Thin the sideburn using a razor and trim the hair on the cheek and chin edges.
Ensure heavy growth at the chin bottom; nourish the hair.
The Man Company's Beard Creme is good.
Classical Short Beard
This style gives a fuzzy look, often looking ungroomed and unkempt.
There is no evidence of when the beard came into being, but it has been around for a long time.
Pierce Brosnan
Varun Dhawan
You need to grow a beard for two months without trimming.
After this, trim the sideburns and trim the beard to your desired height.
The Man Company's Post Shave Lotion is good for the health of the beard.
The Fuzzy Beard
The fuzzy look says it all; the hair growth is along the jaw and the chin but more neatly maintained than the classic short beard.
The fuzzy beard evolved along with the classic beard, short and full-grown. No exact dates are known, but men have flaunted this style for ages.
Tom Hardy
Let your beard grow for a month-and-half.
Trim the hair short for giving it a neat look.
Aftershave (Aloe Vera & Menthol) from The Man Company.
Defined Lines
In this style, the chin is filled with partial hair growth and a small patch lower to the lip.
The style has evolved in the last few decades with increased awareness about styling and grooming beard and moustache.
Chris Hemsworth
Grow a beard for a month, then start by shaping it.
Trim along the chin and cheek. Also, shave off the hair from the under-lip.
Beard Affair from The Man Company.
It is a corporate, well-groomed, neat look. The sideburns are hardly there with a floating moustache, a strap of hair on the jawline and the cheeks. There is an hourglass patch below the lower lip.
Air Marshal Italo Balbo during the 2nd World War was responsible for making this beard style popular.
Robert Downey Jr.
Grow a beard.
Trim your whiskers and all parts of the face except chin and around the mouth.
Use a trimmer to give the shape of the balbo beard. It should be wide below the lower lip and then curved downwards and outwards.
The Beardiful Duo from The Man Company.
This style is characterised by the full heavy hair growth around the chin, cheek, a well-groomed moustache, and a neat goatee.
The beard is usually sported by people who love to drive lowriders.
Chris Hemswort
Grow your beard full for a month.
Remove the hair from the cheekbone.
Connect the moustache and goatee as a pencil line.
Keep the hair a bit longer.
The Man Company's Beard Wash (Almond & Thyme) is the ideal choice.
French Fork
The French fork is a unique beard style for an oval face. The bottom of the beard is split into two. The beard style represents French forts from medieval times.
The history of the beard is traced to the French medieval era.
Johnny Depp from Captain Jack Sparrow.
Grow a beard.
Trim the moustache and the sides
You can keep the hair on the cheeks with a goatee and moustache.
Let the hair on the jawline grow long so that it can be parted and stylised.
Beard Wax from the Man Company.
Five O'Clock Shadow
Clean-shaven men have this beard if they do not shave one day. It is a beard in its infancy. It gives you a rugged manly look if kept well.
This beard form has been an integral part of the male species of civilisation.
No celebrity sports this beard right now.
Simply cut and trim the facial hair. Keep the hair short to give the appearance of a shadow.
Choose The Man Company's After Shave Spray.
Hollywoodian Style
A chin curtain without sideburns and a moustache added to it makes this unique style.
The golden era of Hollywood witnessed many actors sport this style.
Chris Hemsworth
Grow your beard for a month.
Shave off the upper part of the cheek.
Leave the hair on your jawline and the goatee and moustache area.
Remove the sideburns.
Trim the part connecting the moustache to the beard and trim the soul patch.
The beard looks like a ducktail. Longer hair on the chin with short tight sides.
Not much is known about the evolution of the ducktail style.
Brad Pitt
Mel Gibson
Grow your beard.
Trim the cheek hair.
Taper the jawline sides to let the hair meet at the chin.
Trim the moustache regularly.
The Man Company Shaving Cream is perfect.
The Sparrow
A beard style for the oval face recognisable from a distance, the sparrow is characterised by a short beard or chin curtain with two beard tails hanging freely from the chin. The other features are the soul patch and a detached moustache.
Braided sparrow beard originated during the 18th century, sported majorly by pirates.
Johnny Depp
Grow a full beard to at least 4 to 6 inches to shape the tails.
Shave the neck and the cheek completely.
Shape the moustache and detach it from the beard just below the lower lip.
Shape the soul patch.
When the chin hair grows long, part the hair, making two strands, twisting or braiding them.
The Man Company Trimmer are best for moustache and beard.
The Rap Industry Standard
Think of a chinstrap beard in its thinnest form with very thin lines connecting an ultra-thin pencil moustache and goatee.
This beard style was immensely popular in the late 1990s in the rap industry. The beard style origin is believed to be from when successful rappers worldwide grew the rap industry beard.
Kanye West
Craig David
Begin with a full beard.
Start trimming from the ear in a slimline down the jawline. Keep the width to half an inch.
Ensure maximum detailing for best results.
When shaping the moustache and the goatee, use the smallest trimmer head.
The Man Company's Beard Wax.
This style is a mix of the chin curtain with the soul patch or a chin strap with the soul patch. There is another distinctive feature; the style has a flat top, narrow waist, and wider bottom.
This style's origin is not known, but it is a popular style today because of its distinct look.
Brett Dalton
For this beard style for the oval face, grow a full beard.
Trim the beard when the hair grows to make a chin curtain or a chin strap.
Clear off hair from all areas except the chin, where the soul patch shape is given.
The Beard Wash (Almond & Thyme) from The Man Company.

Beard Care
Bring all your perfect beard dreams to life
Have a beard that you’ve always dreamed of and have even paired it with a great-looking moustache? Everyone around is impressed & life feels good.
But that isn’t all!
Growing a great beard is not all the magic that you need in your life. Maintaining it right is where all your hard work and care comes into play. We can’t stress enough how important it is to groom your mane through proper beard grooming. It is like owning your dream car or bike. Once you buy it, do you neglect it with poor maintenance? Do you forget to wash it for months on end? You don’t, right!
Well, that is how it should be when it comes to your beard as well.
We’ve curated a list of tips that you need to follow to give your beard all the care and attention it deserves.
All we’ve got to say to you is that it’s time to get serious, men!
A lot of growing a beard revolves around properly taking care of it & here is how you can do it.